{ "eng": { "block_sep": ",", "sign_msg0": "Training Grounds", "sign_msg1": "Soft Platforms Ahead!", "sign_msg2": "For your preferred destination, go east.", "sign_msg3": "For everything else, go away.", "sign_msg4": "Laced Cave: Travel Route Two", "trans_circle0": "Use any key to create effects", "trans_skip0": "Use the bumpers/", "trans_skip1": "to skip scene", "trans_intro0": "Downloading blocky goods", "trans_intro1": "Complete", "trans_intro2": "Deleting mouse cursor", "trans_intro3": "Launching kuul.exe!", "trans_intro4": "Creating dogs, cats, and dinosaurs", "trans_intro5": "Done raging?", "trans_intro6": "Not Complete", "trans_intro7": "...", "trans_intro8": "Enjoy!", "trans_intro9": "I'm a bit hungry...", "trans_intro10": "It's time!", "trans_intro11": "Good luck!", "trans_intro12": "Have fun!", "trans_intro13": "Let's begin!", "trans_intro14": "Enjoy your stay!", "trans_intro15": "You have arrived.", "trans_intro16": "Let's get started!", "trans_intro17": "The adventure begins!", "trans_intro18": "Let the experiment begin!", "trans_intro19": "You will like it here.", "impatient_npc0": "Hey! Why don't you talk to me?", "impatient_npc1": "Am I THAT unimportant?", "impatient_npc2": "Yay", "npc_rebecca0": "Where is my sister, Deborah?", "nothing_msg0": "Nothing useful here.", "mental_msg0": "It's dangerous to go further!", "sales_npc0": "These churros, curly sausage, and linguini on a stick are the best in the world, and people come here to see what the hype is about!", "sales_npc1": "Get your never-burning ice! Ice that refuses to burn! Watch it in action!", "red_eat0": "He ate a slice of grilled watermelon with a sad cold cheese sandwich.", "red_eat1": "She ate chocolate pie with a cherry compote.", "player_leader0": "Leader, this pointless brutality must stop! We are all one family!", "player_leader1": "We just look a bit different...", "player_icevillage0": "He is shivering too violently to talk.", "player_icevillage1": "He does not have shoes, so the frost bit his toes...", "pirate_convo0": "Welcome.", "pirate_convo1": "I am Filly Bustere, the most feared pirate in all the nineteen seas.", "pirate_convo2": "For landing on my ship, you will work for me as one of my lackeys.", "pirate_convo3": "You will clean the poop deck, the cockpit, and sell pie rats.", "pirate_convo4": "The Leader always has too many pies, so these rodents eat the pizza, rhubarb, and strawberry pies left behind!", "pirate_convo5": "You will like working for me...", "pirate_convo6": "Forever.", "pirate_convo7": "Ow!", "pirate_convo8": "What are you doing?", "pirate_convo9": "Stop that!", "pirate_convo10": "I said stop!", "pirate_convo11": "You wouldn't like it if I whipped out my pistol, would you?", "pirate_convo12": "You'll make my ARRRthritis act up!", "pirate_convo13": "Did you hear something?", "pirate_convo14": "Oh, no! It's Speckled Dickle!", "pirate_convo15": "AAHHH!", "lock_msg0": "Understandably, it's locked...", "sweat_msg0": "I haven't even broken a sweat this time!", "sweat_msg1": "I have broken several...", "dev_msg0": "This is a bottle of love sauce. It is often used in cooking to make dishes tasty.", "dev_msg1": "The ice cream cone has melted.", "dev_msg2": "The strawberry ice cream with rainbow sprinkles itself is fine, though.", "dev_msg3": "He is sleeping next to some sort of \"device\".", "dev_msg4": "He seems to have passed out from anxiety, stress, and a lack of sleep.", "dev_msg5": "Get better soon.", "dev_msg6": "This is an oven for making pizza that runs on chopped wood.", "dev_msg7": "It is a luxury for most people here.", "dev_msg8": "A red velvet cake slice with hot fudge.", "dev_msg9": "Some hummingbird cake...", "dev_msg10": "There are many moths stuck around the \"machine\". Someone should \"get them out\" soon.", "dev_msg11": "Sausage pancakes.", "dev_msg12": "The handwriting was rapidly done as if to keep a secret. Something about \"++\".", "dev_msg13": "A vertical bed for two people.", "npc_xorvitor0": "Hey, kid...", "npc_xorvitor1": "Far away from chour master, aren't chou?", "npc_xorvitor2": "Don't worry any, we won't tell.", "npc_xorvitor3": "Just gotta say, weez been watchin' and chou blew us out of the wooder with chour actions.", "npc_xorvitor4": "Ya got spunk and moxie, and I like a kid with both.", "npc_xorvitor5": "I anger my wife all the time cause I would rather spend time with the other cool cats on the street than with her.", "npc_xorvitor6": "Amen to that, brothers!", "npc_xorvitor7": "Anyways, chou should come to our club. It's down east of here, so just keep walking right.", "npc_two_backups0": "Preach, Xorvitor!", "npc_two_backups1": "Misters before them sisters!", "lackey_msg0": "Filly Bustere jumped ship!", "lackey_msg1": "What?", "lackey_msg2": "It's a vessel usually made of wood or metal that carries people from place to place...", "lackey_msg3": "But that's not important right now! Let's get out of here!", "lackey_msg4": "Whoa! Wrong way!", "hazen_msg0": "ZZZZZZZ", "hazen_msg1": "Don't touch that entertainment box, mud-kisser! I am watching it!!", "rockrm_msg0": "Did you hear something?", "rockrm_msg1": "Isn't anything 'cept a couple o' dumb Bucks.", "rockrm_msg2": "Let's hurry! We need to make it to the sale to buy more servants before it closes!", "winter_hat0": "Nobody will be using this any longer.", "food_msg0": "Smells like lettuce and carrot juice.", "food_msg1": "Smells like fried chicken with collard greens and gravy.", "dancing_msg0": "Who are you?", "dancing_msg1": "I don't really know...", "fetch_red0": "You! Behind me! Get that shiny thing over there for me!", "fetch_red1": "Why do you look like you are expecting something?", "fetch_red2": "You are not one of my friends! I do not need to give you anything!", "fetch_red3": "Farewell!", "player_stairs0": "What's up, stairs?", "player_stairs1": "...", "player_stairs2": "Unfortunately, stairs don't talk.", "wildo_intro0": "WILDO!", "wildo_intro1": "What are you doing? We must go or we'll miss our shift!", "door_msg0": "It's locked!", "door_msg1": "Uh, it's locked, I tell ya!", "door_msg2": "You really wanna come in?", "door_msg3": "Wow, you're so forward, I like that.", "door_msg4": "Okay, I'll let you in.", "kite_msg0": "Being outside is SOOO liberating!", "kite_msg1": "This kite has been used by my family for generations!", "kite_msg2": "I really like this dog kite, it looks so life-like!", "kite_msg3": "Actually, I think this is a dog...", "amy_msg0": "I'm supposed to be stopping you... However, I wanted to tell you about the pwillows!", "amy_msg1": "Strange flowers that temporarily give an extra jump allow you to get past them.", "observer_msg0": "Stan and Gderry are practicing for their performance tonight!", "npc_kara0": "You speak the language so well! Daddy Edward and the choir would sing with praise!", "npc_kara1": "I thought you would speak like the others of your \"kind\"!", "credits_msg0": "You beat the credits and unlocked the \"Dev Room\"! You're pretty incredible, huh!", "credits_msg1": "Thank you to friends and family for helping me through the process of making this game.", "credits_msg2": "I would also like to thank you, the player, for not giving up on this game, even with your", "credits_msg3": "I hope you enjoyed it! Have a nice rest of your day, you deserve it!", "credits_msg4": "You are welcome to exit or restart now to go look at other goodies.", "credits_msg5": "mishap...", "credits_msg6": "mishaps...", "leader_journal_msg0": "Debosse always underestimates his enemies before going into battle, which is a serious flaw that I have brought to his attention several times.", "leader_journal_msg1": "However, he reassures me each time that he can do his job effectively.", "leader_journal_msg2": "I just hope this quirk does not bring him to his demise.", "leader_journal_msg3": "My father has mentioned again that he will find a suitor for me.", "leader_journal_msg4": "I wanted to do more than just stay home for some guy that will not treat me properly!", "leader_journal_msg5": "I want to bring change for my people!", "leader_journal_msg6": "Debosse's military skills are quite impressive.", "leader_journal_msg7": "There was one time when he told me, \"I will bring your enemies to your feet, and you will use their faces as foot stools!\", and I believed him.", "leader_journal_msg8": "I do love the sound their faces make when I put my feet on them...", "leader_journal_msg9": "My top researchers were studying a way to create the perfect servant, one which requires fewer resources to maintain and could take on more dangerous work.", "leader_journal_msg10": "They would also never think of breaking equipment or rebelling against me.", "leader_journal_msg11": "They said the project was an enormous success with the subjects they tested!", "leader_journal_msg12": "However, the cost of creating the formula and the cost of buying or obtaining servants were too high, so the project was scrapped.", "leader_journal_msg13": "The servants that were successfully converted will be used for renovations of the palace.", "leader_journal_msg14": "For fear of fights among the perfect servants and the others, the perfect servants will be placed in their room and left until needed.", "leader_journal_msg15": "The research facility will be placed in an area inaccessible to rebels.", "bbsign_msg0": "Katsoberry Field", "bbsign_msg1": "Home of the fabled \"Dev Room\"", "pausesign_msg0": "Use 'Select'/", "pausesign_msg1": "to toggle customization and 'Escape' to toggle the exit screen.", "shop_msg0": "Shop here", "shop_msg1": "Sold out!", "shop_msg2": "No Blocks!", "shop_msg3": "to return", "shop_msg4": "Cost:", "shop_msg5": "to buy", "inv_msg0": "to select", "inv_msg1": "Blocks:", "inv_msg2": "Discounts:", "control_msg0": "New key / 'Escape' to exit", "scared_msg0": "How did you find me?", "scared_msg1": "Please don't tell \"them\" about me! I will do anything you want!", "scared_msg2": "They took my family away from me, but I ran away, so I survived.", "scared_msg3": "They wanted to know who could \"jump on air\", but I could only do that because I found some dumb flower in a cave.", "scared_msg4": "The Reds use long ladders to get around, but with that flower, they will be unstoppable.", "scared_msg5": "Don't tell them any of this, though.", "scared_msg6": "You can keep a secret, can't you?", "npc_margerite0": "Oh, I guess I didn't realize I called one of you here.", "npc_margerite1": "I guess it does not concern you, but I am getting worried because my husband was part of a blockade to take down some \"Resister\".", "npc_margerite2": "He has not come back yet.", "minigame0_msg0": "to play!", "minigame0_msg1": "to start / 'Escape' to exit", "minigame0_title0": "Balloon Jumper", "minigamed_msg0": "Play again?", "icebridge_msg0": "You \"do\" know that you won't get through this, right? This little thing you are trying to do is done.", "icebridge_msg1": "Nope.", "icebridge_msg2": "Nope?", "icebridge_msg3": "Yep.", "icebridge_msg4": "You shall see the board of directors! HR will know what to do with you!", "journal_msg0": "Hello, future me! I wanted to write an entry using skills from Ms. Gardner's lessons.", "journal_msg1": "I had a little brother, and I loved playing around with him!", "journal_msg2": "Sometime later, I no longer had a little brother. It was hard for all of us...", "journal_msg3": "Now I have a little sister! My parents are happy, and she now is too!", "the_key0": "LEFT", "the_key1": "RIGHT", "the_key2": "UP", "the_key3": "DOWN", "the_key4": "L CTRL", "the_key5": "R CTRL", "the_key6": "CTRL", "the_key7": "SPACE", "the_key8": "L SHIFT", "the_key9": "R SHIFT", "the_key10": "SHIFT", "the_key11": "L ALT", "the_key12": "R ALT", "the_key13": "ALT", "the_key14": "ENTER", "the_key15": "ESC", "the_key16": "BKSPACE", "the_key17": "TAB", "the_key18": "CAPS", "the_key19": "NUM 0", "the_key20": "NUM 1", "the_key21": "NUM 2", "the_key22": "NUM 3", "the_key23": "NUM 4", "the_key24": "NUM 5", "the_key25": "NUM 6", "the_key26": "NUM 7", "the_key27": "NUM 8", "the_key28": "NUM 9", "the_key29": "PGUP", "the_key30": "PGDN", "the_key31": "END", "the_key32": "HOME", "the_key33": "INSERT", "the_key34": ".", "the_key35": "DELETE", "the_key36": "+", "the_key37": "-", "the_key38": "*", "the_key39": "/", "the_key40": "NUM LOCK", "the_key41": "SCR LOCK", "the_key42": "';:'", "the_key43": "'+'", "the_key44": "','", "the_key45": "'-'", "the_key46": "'.'", "the_key47": "'/?'", "the_key48": "'~`'", "the_key49": "'[{'", "the_key50": "'|'", "the_key51": "']}'", "the_key52": "QUOTE", "the_key53": "F1", "the_key54": "F2", "the_key55": "F3", "the_key56": "F4", "the_key57": "F5", "the_key58": "F6", "the_key59": "F7", "the_key60": "F8", "the_key61": "F9", "the_key62": "F10", "the_key63": "F11", "the_key64": "F12", "npc_librarian0": "I'm always happy to lend a hand.", "npc_librarian1": "But I am even happier when I get to steal a hand!", "ghosttown_sign0": "Welcome to Unnamed Town!", "ghosttown_sign1": "Population: U!", "morgue_sign0": "This is a resting place.", "morgue_sign1": "Non-living people live here.", "npc_pot_owner0": "I love all my pots!", "npc_pot_owner1": "Oh, no! My pots!", "cold_msg0": "Brrr!", "outhouse_msg0": "This is an outhouse.", "outhouse_msg1": "This is where other people powder your nose for you.", "outhouse_msg2": "Unspeakable actions happen here.", "outhouse_msg3": "It smells really bad.", "outhouse_msg4": "The smell gave me a rash in my nose.", "question_msg0": "(Pet the dog?)", "question_msg1": "(Rub the cat?)", "question_msg2": "(Pat the llama?)", "question_msg3": "(Pet the girl?)", "question_msg4": "(Pet the old man?)", "question_msg5": "(Pet the spider?)", "talker_cancel0": "Maybe later...", "spider_pet_msg0": "You pet the spider!", "spider_pet_msg1": "Spiders can be cute!", "spider_pet_msg2": "The spider is quite hairy.", "spider_pet_msg3": "Really sticky.", "spider_pet_msg4": "I think there's a piece of insect on my hand.", "spider_pet_msg5": "Adorable?", "spider_pet_msg6": "I keep thinking that I should not be doing this.", "spider_pet_msg7": "Please do not be venomous...", "dog_pet_msg0": "You pet the dog!", "dog_pet_msg1": "He started vibrating and stopped suddenly.", "dog_pet_msg2": "He started vibrating ferociously and made the ground shake.", "dog_pet_msg3": "He did not get enough pets!", "dog_pet_msg4": "He needs more belly rubs.", "dog_pet_msg5": "He had a mid-life crisis when I removed my hand.", "dog_pet_msg6": "He feels sad that it is over.", "dog_pet_msg7": "He is really happy!", "dog_pet_msg8": "He is practically screaming for more pets!", "dog_pet_msg9": "I can't stop!", "dog_pet_msg10": "Not enough people gave him pets today.", "dog_pet_msg11": "My soft touch made him drowsy.", "dog_pet_msg12": "He is soooo cute when he is happy.", "dog_pet_msg13": "His fur feels really smooth.", "dog_pet_msg14": "He is disgusted over how I petted other dogs yesterday and still have their scent.", "dog_pet_msg15": "It is surprising how many pets he can take!", "dog_pet_msg16": "Dogs are just like us. We all need encouragement and a nice pat on the head to feel accomplished.", "dog_pet_msg17": "He is eagerly awaiting the ULTRA pet.", "dog_pet_msg18": "I gave him the ULTRA pet!", "dog_pet_msg19": "With too many pets, this dog could destroy reality...", "dog_pet_msg20": "He wants a belly rub.", "dog_pet_msg21": "He wants to be fed.", "dog_pet_msg22": "He wants to snuggle.", "dog_pet_msg23": "He is pleased with this.", "dog_pet_msg24": "Good boy!", "dog_pet_msg25": "He is considering licking me or licking himself.", "dog_pet_msg26": "Wuff.", "cat_rub_msg0": "You rubbed the cat!", "cat_rub_msg1": "She feels a bit longer now.", "cat_rub_msg2": "She gets longer when I rub her more!", "cat_rub_msg3": "She loves it!", "cat_rub_msg4": "She is thrilled!", "cat_rub_msg5": "Wow, she went for my hand immediately!", "cat_rub_msg6": "She did not get adequate rubbing yet.", "cat_rub_msg7": "She feels sad since the rubs are over.", "cat_rub_msg8": "She really enjoyed my soft rubs.", "cat_rub_msg9": "She is so cute and happy.", "cat_rub_msg10": "I could be allergic to \"cute\".", "cat_rub_msg11": "She is really having fun!", "cat_rub_msg12": "I could spend a lot of time giving her back strokes.", "cat_rub_msg13": "Proceeding to stroke faster!", "cat_rub_msg14": "I need to belly rub more.", "cat_rub_msg15": "Cats are really like us. We need to be subtle to get the rubs we deserve.", "cat_rub_msg16": "She is silently waiting for the ULTRA rub.", "cat_rub_msg17": "I gave her the ULTRA rub!", "cat_rub_msg18": "The cat is fully charged. Don't overcharge her, though.", "llama_pat_msg0": "You patted the llama!", "llama_pat_msg1": "She looks like she is trying to thank me.", "llama_pat_msg2": "She really enjoyed that!", "llama_pat_msg3": "Her neck feels a little stiff.", "llama_pat_msg4": "Her legs are vibrating.", "llama_pat_msg5": "Be careful, she might spit with joy.", "llama_pat_msg6": "The keeper might get jealous.", "llama_pat_msg7": "The keeper got slightly taller.", "llama_pat_msg8": "The keeper might want a pat too!", "save_msg0": "Saved!", "player_save_msg0": "(That was one of her favorite plants...)", "player_save_msg1": "(She always said that they would change color when you tell them your \"story\".)", "player_save_msg2": "(It was almost as if they were trying to support you.)", "degurl_scene_msg0": "Who are you?", "degurl_scene_msg1": "Oh, you have to be the \"servant\" my dad must have ordered to come here.", "degurl_scene_msg2": "Hmph! My dad is always doing these things for me.", "degurl_scene_msg3": "Giving me flowers, making servants do things for me...", "degurl_scene_msg4": "I don't want to be a general!", "degurl_scene_msg5": "I don't want to fight other people just because some people think their way of life is better!", "degurl_scene_msg6": "I want to be a writer!", "degurl_scene_msg7": "I want to find some way to author stories for little kids and see them light up.", "degurl_scene_msg8": "I wonder what I can do...", "npc_degurl0": "My grandparents were incredibly angry with my dad for marrying my mom.", "npc_degurl1": "It is so weird when your mom is technically your aunt at the same time.", "npc_degurl2": "That leads to some uncomfortable talks with my friends...", "grandmother_scene_msg0": "Welcome, honey! It is a miracle that I can see you again!", "grandmother_scene_msg1": "Wow, you are so grown!", "grandmother_scene_msg2": "How are your mother and father doing?", "npc_grandmother0": "Now that you are here, I have to tell you something important.", "npc_grandmother1": "This is something I have never told your great-grandfather, so please listen closely.", "npc_grandmother2": "Before I met your great-grandfather, I was the one who took care of the children and the house of our superiors.", "npc_grandmother3": "It was agonizing work having to clean every day and wait until after they were done having each meal before I could eat their scraps.", "npc_grandmother4": "One day, the father reasoned that he could have more kids and have more \"servants\" under his control.", "npc_grandmother5": "A couple of months later, I had to take care of his children, as well as one of my own.", "npc_grandmother6": "He was taken away from me and sent to another village to work in the fields.", "npc_grandmother7": "By the time I saw him again, I had already met and been married to your great-grandfather and had our children, and I could see that my son had children of his own...", "npc_grandmother8": "Your mother was one of his children.", "npc_grandmother9": "I assume that you have seen that you use purple bullets while everyone else has blue ones.", "npc_grandmother10": "Have you thought of why that's so?", "npc_grandmother11": "It's because you're very special.", "npc_grandmother12": "My special great-grandchild...", "hooded_death_msg0": "...", "hooded_death_msg1": "I wonder who that guy was.", "hooded_death_msg2": "They are your clones.", "hooded_death_msg3": "Interesting.", "hooded_death_msg4": "A shadow?", "hooded_death_msg5": "Extermination complete.", "bridge_msg0": "Shoot the bridge!", "boss_guard_death_msg0": "You have to jump and shoot to get past this.", "boss_guard_death_msg1": "You must believe in yourself.", "boss_guard_death_msg2": "I like his hover scooter.", "boss_guard_death_msg3": "Now's not the time to tease the enemy!", "boss_guard_death_msg4": "There is always a time and place for everything, but he wants to fight now.", "boss_guard_death_msg5": "His self-esteem lowers when you jump over him.", "electricity_death_msg0": "Double jumps will be useful here.", "electricity_death_msg1": "Pro tip: Don't get electrocuted.", "electricity_death_msg2": "Your body reacts negatively with the positively charged poles.", "electricity_death_msg3": "BZZZZZZRRRT", "general_debosse_death_msg0": "You have to shoot to slow him down.", "general_debosse_death_msg1": "You had a lot of time to do something.", "general_debosse_death_msg2": "Debosse is de best!", "leader_death_msg0": "Stay hopeful, you got this.", "leader_death_msg1": "The Leader is not huggable.", "leader_death_msg2": "|(", "leader_death_msg3": "|p", "leader_death_msg4": "You faced doom, and fought bravely.", "leader_death_msg5": "I'm sure you can finish this.", "leader_death_msg6": "Finish the fight.", "cactus_death_msg0": "I said not to touch the cactus.", "cactus_death_msg1": "Are you listening?", "cactus_death_msg2": "Why are we here?", "cactus_death_msg3": "Are you done here?", "cactus_death_msg4": "We shouldn't be here so soon.", "cactus_death_msg5": "I hope you save this moment.", "cactus_death_msg6": "The cactus wanted a hug.", "cactus_death_msg7": "The cactus likes having a friend. Forever...", "cactus_death_msg8": "Hope you're happy.", "cactus_death_msg9": "A pun would be useful here, but most likely not wanted.", "cactus_death_msg10": "It's just misunderstood, because of its thorny personality.", "cactus_death_msg11": "It's quite prickly, but sensitive.", "cactus_death_msg12": "I love that smile!", "cactus_death_msg13": "Its shake is quite alluring.", "cactus_death_msg14": "I will not judge you for having feelings for the cactus.", "general_boss_msg0": "This requires both brains and brawn.", "general_boss_msg1": "You must perform evasive maneuvers!", "lava_death_msg0": "Lava isn't huggable.", "lava_death_msg1": "Lava doesn't wanna be friends.", "lava_death_msg2": "Lava is grumpy.", "lava_death_msg3": "At least there was a checkpoint.", "lava_death_msg4": "Red gooey stuff is so mesmerizing to watch.", "lava_death_msg5": "Perhaps we had the wrong idea this time.", "lava_death_msg6": "I know you can do this.", "lava_death_msg7": "Get smoked.", "lava_death_msg8": "This isn't even the hardest part.", "lava_death_msg9": "I smell smoke.", "lava_death_msg10": "You are literally on fire!", "lava_death_msg11": "I smell brimstone.", "lava_death_msg12": "You're fired!", "lava_death_msg13": "This is filled with all the metals in the periodic table!", "lava_death_msg14": "The floor is made of this stuff.", "lava_death_msg15": "Avoid lava at all costs!", "lava_death_msg16": "A sizzling end!", "lava_death_msg17": "I'm still tingling from that!", "lava_death_msg18": "Flames are great, aren't they?", "lava_death_msg19": "Burns, many burns...", "lava_death_msg20": "Feel the burn!", "lava_death_msg21": "No cuddling with shiny molten rock!", "lava_death_msg22": "Liar, liar! All on fire!", "general_enemy_msg0": "You have to turn your bullets from \"tease\" to \"annihilate\".", "general_enemy_msg1": "I think you have to do a bit better.", "boss_lion_death_msg0": "Please practice your double jumps.", "boss_lion_death_msg1": "Such a cute kitty.", "boss_lion_death_msg2": "Don't touch the lion. He oozes evil.", "boss_lion_death_msg3": "I wonder who takes care of that mane.", "boss_lion_death_msg4": "You have to avoid him by running and jumping.", "boss_lion_death_msg5": "Mr. Kitty Kat's paws are heavy.", "boss_lion_death_msg6": "He's domestic, but not domesticated.", "fall_platform_death_msg0": "Please practice your air jumping.", "fall_platform_death_msg1": "Please watch your step.", "first_death_msg0": "I kind of expected you to fail, so when you didn't, I got worried.", "first_death_msg1": "The first time is always the hardest.", "spike_death_msg0": "I think you got the point.", "spike_death_msg1": "I think you got stuck in the landing.", "spike_death_msg2": "Spikes may cause severe internal hemorrhaging and night sweats.", "spike_death_msg3": "Please practice avoiding spikes.", "spike_death_msg4": "Spikes hurt my feelings.", "spike_death_msg5": "Pro tip: Do not jump onto the spikes.", "spike_death_msg6": "Spikes itch a lot.", "spike_death_msg7": "Try not to touch the spikes.", "spike_death_msg8": "It is not nice to fall on spikes!", "spike_death_msg9": "You hurt their feelings!", "spike_death_msg10": "Get hooked with the gameplay, get spooked by all the spikes.", "spike_death_msg11": "What's with everything just having spikes?", "spike_death_msg12": "The spikes here, am I right?", "spike_death_msg13": "Between a spike and a rough place...", "spike_death_msg14": "You have to have spikes in here somehow...", "spike_death_msg15": "It's just a fatal scratch. You can walk it off!", "laser_death_msg0": "Lasers are a bit cooler than spikes.", "laser_death_msg1": "Lasers hurt your feelings.", "laser_death_msg2": "I felt the burn for you.", "laser_death_msg3": "Lasers are hot enough to melt an egg.", "laser_death_msg4": "Lasers may cause depression or rage.", "laser_death_msg5": "Lasers are an experience of a lifetime.", "laser_death_msg6": "It's all about timing and looking like you know something.", "laser_death_msg7": "I like the sizzling sensation.", "laser_death_msg8": "The symptoms of lasers include partial blindness, third-degree burns, hallucinations, and mental instability.", "laser_death_msg9": "Lasers sting if you fall on them.", "crush_death_msg0": "I think I hear a scream of confused terror.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg0": "Master Trixie noticed you.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg1": "Her name is Trixie.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg2": "I love trigonometry.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg3": "So many horns.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg4": "You made her mad.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg5": "Those are some pretty eyes.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg6": "She's the tank.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg7": "Might be useful to get out of the way.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg8": "Trigonometry is pretty useful for making games, but I am sure that's not what you want to hear right now.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg9": "Don't tickle her. She wants to hurt you.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg10": "She's a nightmare on rockets.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg11": "Don't not take too long!", "flying_triceratops_death_msg12": "It won't get easier.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg13": "She will not tolerate your existence. She will hunt you down for fun.", "flying_triceratops_death_msg14": "Not to be confused with a torosaurus or a nedoceratops!", "flying_triceratops_death_msg15": "Those horns kinda tickle!", "flying_triceratops_death_msg16": "She's my old friend! Well, millions-of-years-old friend...", "flying_triceratops_death_msg17": "Spikes are a bit better...", "upward_rock_death_msg0": "Um, gravity?", "bunny_death_msg0": "Silly kid! Tricks are for wabbits!", "bunny_death_msg1": "That's a dangerous bunny!", "bunny_death_msg2": "Those are colorful eyes.", "bunny_death_msg3": "Return to the bunny.", "bunny_death_msg4": "Relax with the bunny.", "bunny_death_msg5": "Reject all else and stay with the bunny.", "bunny_death_msg6": "The bunny requires exclusive devotion.", "bunny_death_msg7": "Praise the bunny!", "bunny_death_msg8": "BUNNY!", "bunny_death_msg9": "This bunny is a scavenger.", "water_death_msg0": "It is an insult to call water \"dense\".", "water_death_msg1": "You have drowned.", "water_death_msg2": "You are waterlogged.", "water_death_msg3": "It is very wet here.", "water_death_msg4": "You went in for a little soak.", "water_death_msg5": "Where are the towels?", "water_death_msg6": "You didn't use sunscreen.", "water_death_msg7": "You made a big splash.", "water_death_msg8": "People and creatures can walk on this stuff. Fascinating.", "water_death_msg9": "Why is water so watery?", "water_death_msg10": "You have reached one of the awfully bad endings.", "water_death_msg11": "We are at your last destination.", "pea_enemy_death_msg0": "Don't touch peas. They're dangerous.", "pea_enemy_death_msg1": "They are not healthy.", "pea_enemy_death_msg2": "They are bad and cause indigestion.", "squish_death_msg0": "I do like the look of hamburgers in the morning.", "squish_death_msg1": "I do like the look of paninis in the afternoon.", "squish_death_msg2": "I like open-face sandwiches at night.", "squish_death_msg3": "That's a tough place.", "squish_death_msg4": "It was a bit on the nose.", "squish_death_msg5": "You're being a bit too hard on yourself.", "squish_death_msg6": "Flat as a pancake.", "squish_death_msg7": "I like waffles.", "mannequin_death_msg0": "The mannequin is alive.", "mannequin_death_msg1": "I never trusted them at malls.", "mannequin_death_msg2": "Why?", "mannequin_death_msg3": "I hate that they always stare.", "mannequin_death_msg4": "They were looking for another victim.", "swing_ax_death_msg0": "It was fun while it lasted.", "swing_ax_death_msg1": "This is cutting-edge technology!", "swing_ax_death_msg2": "A little off the top, please!", "swing_ax_death_msg3": "This was used to torture those that resisted the Leader's control.", "motel_death_msg0": "You paid for this!", "motel_death_msg1": "Some motel...", "motel_death_msg2": "That part always gets me!", "motel_death_msg3": "Room service!", "motel_death_msg4": "It's funny when it doesn't happen to you.", "motel_death_msg5": "When were they going to take your bags?", "motel_death_msg6": "Negative six-star service!", "motel_death_msg7": "Where's the pool?", "motel_death_msg8": "Is laying there free?", "motel_death_msg9": "This place was a bad shelter from the rain.", "motel_death_msg10": "Don't talk to her.", "motel_death_msg11": "The toilet paper was too flimsy anyway!", "motel_death_msg12": "The toiletries weren't free!", "motel_death_msg13": "You didn't even get to enjoy the bed...", "motel_death_msg14": "The bed bugs will bite.", "motel_death_msg15": "Can I have a refund?", "motel_death_msg16": "She seems distressed. Maybe comfort her with a comforter?", "motel_death_msg17": "You should be really relaxed now.", "motel_death_msg18": "She will put you \"in\" the bed like her other victims.", "motel_death_msg19": "I'm sure the non-existent spa has cockroaches...", "motel_death_msg20": "This must be new management.", "drill_death_msg0": "Oh no, anything but the drill!", "drill_death_msg1": "Lasers, spikes, and now drills...", "drill_death_msg2": "One drill is too many.", "drill_death_msg3": "This is only a drill.", "drill_death_msg4": "This is not a drill!", "drill_death_msg5": "Just another tool in the Leader's arsenal...", "drill_death_msg6": "I think that meeting went smoothly.", "watchman_msg0": "A lot of letters to Chromadun our \"Watchman\".", "fly_msg0": "Two normal flies and one wide fly.", "day_msg0": "This must be what is causing the weather to act strangely here.", "computer_msg0": "New technology I have no idea about.", "police_msg0": "Imagine getting busted by the police.", "police_msg1": "Oh, wait. That's me!", "desert_msg0": "We burn down forests for cattle, but the soil turns dry and desert-like after.", "oreworker_msg0": "The salt, fertilizer, and ore dust hurt my nose. I can't breathe well...", "oreworker_msg1": "Poor servants reduced to salt and fertilizer...", "motel_msg0": "Welcome to our refined establishment! I know you are very tired!", "motel_msg1": "I'll be taking five blocks as a booking fee, and you don't have to thank me!", "motel_msg2": "Now's time to get you to your room!", "motel_msg3": "Uhm, I don't want to do the paperwork, soooo-", "idol_msg0": "I love you!", "scarecrow_msg0": "I'm so fired... These birds are coming out of nowhere!", "hate_msg0": "Oh, look! The Resister is here!", "hate_msg1": "Once we eradicate the Resister, we shall bask in the rewards! I shall have the honor of vanquishing the Leader's enemy!", "hate_msg2": "Hold on! I wanted that!", "hate_msg3": "We shall share the rewards equally, you reckless wretch!", "hate_msg4": "Why you butter-toothed thing! Every second I am near you, my gall bladder shudders ever more violently! Wait, where is the Resister?", "hate_msg5": "Well, we are now out of a job... I am going to get a spinach cake.", "hate_msg6": "I hate to say it, but I will go with you. Only because I do not want to pay a separate tax, though!", "npc_mentalman0": "They said I was dangerous. I am not dangerous. I am misunderstood...", "npc_mentalman1": "I never liked my master and I'm sure you don't like yours. All I did was find a way to escape.", "npc_mentalman2": "Now, I'm here, but I don't know for how long. I don't even know what my wife looks like anymore...", "npc_mentalman3": "The one beacon of light in this murky world.", "freedman_msg0": "Hi. I wasn't expecting visitors, but this time I'll make an exception.", "freedman_msg1": "You live far from here, don't you? You know you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger.", "freedman_msg2": "The scars run deep; you know... After some time, I was able to buy my freedom and purchase the same house that I had always worked in.", "hr_door0": "Harmless Resources: Firing you with actual fire and a smile!", "best_msg0": "Best", "npc_paya0": "I'm Paya, and I like payapas.", "npc_paya1": "They are different from papayas.", "npc_knife0": "From the base to the end... From the base to the end... Oh, you...", "npc_knife1": "If you must know, I was reciting how to meticulously clean a knife. I need to remember so I don't go to the hospital like my husband!", "npc_mother0": "Staying in the kitchen is very tough. My back hurts every day, and it gets really hot when I am cooking.", "trash_msg0": "Ewww! Are you seriously reaching into the garbage?", "trash_msg1": "What a filthy creature!", "player_hitz0": "She is wearing pyrite jewelry. It is seen as much more valuable than gold here.", "player_hitz1": "Parts of the \"Wholly Book\", a book created by our superiors that justifies the lives we live.", "npc_grapefruit0": "I like oranges, but not tangerines...", "npc_villager0": "Spinach cake is a wonderful thing we are given to eat every other day, and we never get sick of it!", "npc_villager1": "For the other days, we eat grains like farrow, but with some salt on the side.", "gen_death_msg0": "Rest in one piece.", "gen_death_msg1": "Now you won't know what happens next...", "gen_death_msg2": "=O", "gen_death_msg3": "Welcome back.", "gen_death_msg4": "It was just a scratch!", "gen_death_msg5": "Did you turn it off and on again?", "gen_death_msg6": "Get up! I don't accept quitting!", "gen_death_msg7": "I recommend staying alive.", "gen_death_msg8": "You could use some encouragement.", "gen_death_msg9": "You brought dishonor to all the families!", "gen_death_msg10": "How did you let that happen?", "gen_death_msg11": "My condolences.", "gen_death_msg12": "Tip: Stay alive.", "gen_death_msg13": "What's that noise? Oh wait, it's nothing, anymore.", "gen_death_msg14": "Task successfully failed.", "gen_death_msg15": "Practice makes perfect.", "gen_death_msg16": "That was applaudable.", "gen_death_msg17": "It means so much to me to see that you may be reading these.", "gen_death_msg18": "Don't smash your device! Yet...", "gen_death_msg19": "Why did the music stop?", "gen_death_msg20": "You have another chance.", "gen_death_msg21": "Great skills from a professional amateur.", "gen_death_msg22": "Does anyone read these?", "gen_death_msg23": "That is what happened to my friends too. They don't talk to me either.", "gen_death_msg24": "The guiding light was too bright.", "gen_death_msg25": "Your silence speaks for itself.", "gen_death_msg26": "You have to experience it firsthand to know how to avoid it next time.", "gen_death_msg27": "This is just a distraction from your goal.", "gen_death_msg28": "That wasn't pretty.", "gen_death_msg29": "I believe my next statement may spark controversy.", "gen_death_msg30": "That deserves a restart.", "gen_death_msg31": "Nope!", "gen_death_msg32": "I should go back to bed. Nothing exciting is happening.", "gen_death_msg33": "Don't give up just yet! I was starting to enjoy this.", "gen_death_msg34": "Game Over!", "gen_death_msg35": "Game Oveur!", "gen_death_msg36": "Too bad!", "gen_death_msg37": "So sad!", "gen_death_msg38": "That was untimely.", "gen_death_msg39": "I don't suggest doing that again.", "gen_death_msg40": "Fails are unfairly common.", "gen_death_msg41": "Your body wasn't ready!", "gen_death_msg42": "e_e", "gen_death_msg43": "o_o", "gen_death_msg44": "O_O", "gen_death_msg45": "=p", "gen_death_msg46": "You may no longer have a life!", "gen_death_msg47": "Yes!", "gen_death_msg48": "You are deed!", "gen_death_msg49": "Done.", "gen_death_msg50": "Oh, my!", "gen_death_msg51": "Totally wasted.", "gen_death_msg52": "Such a waste.", "gen_death_msg53": "I could've done that better.", "gen_death_msg54": "Wow, are you enjoying that decision?", "gen_death_msg55": "I thought we were playing the game! Seems like the other way around...", "gen_death_msg56": "Why are you here so soon?", "gen_death_msg57": "FOO", "gen_death_msg58": "Lame...", "gen_death_msg59": "Offs", "gen_death_msg60": "OH NOOO! Anyway, back to restarting!", "gen_death_msg61": "You've officially been flimflammed.", "gen_death_msg62": "I love this screen.", "gen_death_msg63": "I always like this part.", "gen_death_msg64": "I hope you're enjoying this. Doesn't seem like it, though.", "gen_death_msg65": "We can do that again.", "gen_death_msg66": "I don't know if you have all day for this.", "gen_death_msg67": "I like seeing the smile on your face.", "gen_death_msg68": "More times tried are more lessons learned.", "gen_death_msg69": "Hello darkness, my new best friend.", "gen_death_msg70": "I think I like this.", "gen_death_msg71": "I don't think I like that.", "gen_death_msg72": "I didn't expect that.", "gen_death_msg73": "We can try this again.", "gen_death_msg74": "I dunno if I could recover from that.", "gen_death_msg75": "Are you having fun yet?", "gen_death_msg76": "I think we shouldn't do that.", "gen_death_msg77": "Hooray! Wait, sorry. I've made a mistake.", "gen_death_msg78": "Eef", "gen_death_msg79": "eoeof", "gen_death_msg80": "Let's think about how we can avoid getting here again.", "gen_death_msg81": "*Insert cheeky statement here*", "gen_death_msg82": "I was thinking of a smug response, but I won't say it.", "gen_death_msg83": "I'm impressed.", "gen_death_msg84": "Even I could have done better...", "gen_death_msg85": "Eliminated.", "gen_death_msg86": "You didn't make it.", "gen_death_msg87": "You did the right thing. You just did it the wrong way.", "gen_death_msg88": "O.O", "gen_death_msg89": "Cue the cheesy response!", "gen_death_msg90": "Darkness consumes all of us at times.", "gen_death_msg91": "The hilarity ensues.", "gen_death_msg92": "If you didn't notice, deep darkness is quite deep and dark.", "gen_death_msg93": "Be loyal to no one, not even yourself.", "gen_death_msg94": "It isn't funny when I'm the only one laughing. Okay, maybe it is.", "gen_death_msg95": "I will keep my comments to myself this time.", "gen_death_msg96": "I hope you weren't streaming that.", "gen_death_msg97": "I hope that was recorded.", "gen_death_msg98": "Any other smart ideas?", "gen_death_msg99": "Quality jumping.", "gen_death_msg100": "10/10", "gen_death_msg102": "Your free trial to life has expired. Effective immediately.", "gen_death_msg103": "Only your ego was harmed in the making of that fail.", "gen_death_msg104": "The plot thickens.", "gen_death_msg105": "This game is technically in color, so I called the technology 'Technicalcolor'.", "gen_death_msg106": "That's the look I wanted!", "gen_death_msg107": "It's so lonely here.", "gen_death_msg108": "If you could stay for a bit longer with me, I would appreciate it a lot.", "gen_death_msg109": "I didn't have this kind of difficulty when testing this. Sorry about that.", "gen_death_msg110": "It may look easy to do when watching it, but it's actually harder to do in practice.", "gen_death_msg111": "This game is free only if you don't slam your electronic device against a wall and have to buy a new one.", "gen_death_msg112": "This is just a new learning experience.", "gen_death_msg113": "Please try again, I'm sure you can do it next time.", "gen_death_msg114": "Wow, that's hilarious.", "gen_death_msg115": "That's pretty funny.", "gen_death_msg116": "That's really unfortunate.", "gen_death_msg117": "That's unfortunate.", "gen_death_msg118": "You did know you can sometimes restart way before this screen comes up, right?", "gen_death_msg119": "There is more to life than failing.", "gen_death_msg120": "This requires mental strength, not physical strength.", "gen_death_msg121": "There is nothing to panic about.", "gen_death_msg122": "You shouldn't be confused and upset.", "gen_death_msg123": "In my nerdy opinion, that action was illogical.", "gen_death_msg124": "This is not a rodeomeo.", "gen_death_msg125": "Wisdom is born from pain.", "gen_death_msg126": "Oh, sorry! I was busy doing nothing.", "gen_death_msg127": "I didn't think that hurt, much.", "gen_death_msg128": "That was the wrong answer.", "gen_death_msg129": "That might be right, but it might not be.", "gen_death_msg130": "Your story is changing!", "gen_death_msg131": "I will remember that.", "gen_death_msg132": "I put quite a bit of effort into all these messages. Thank you for taking the time to not skip through them! :)", "gen_death_msg133": "Be sure to take a break and drink plenty of water. Stretch and relax a bit too. Gaming requires a lot of effort and frustration.", "gen_death_msg134": "Not bad. Not good, either.", "gen_death_msg135": "Perhaps...", "gen_death_msg136": "I knew you would come here.", "gen_death_msg137": "Denied.", "gen_death_msg138": "Your history has been deleted.", "gen_death_msg139": "You have been deactivated.", "gen_death_msg140": "Finally!", "gen_death_msg141": "You can be whatever you want to be if you believe.", "gen_death_msg142": "You forced a shutdown.", "gen_death_msg143": "That's gotta hurt!", "gen_death_msg144": "Nothing was ever fine anyway...", "gen_death_msg145": "It's okay! Just walk it off!", "gen_death_msg146": "You've been met with a fate far worse than most people's cooking, haven't you?", "gen_death_msg147": "Coincidence? I think so!!", "gen_death_msg148": "Oh well...", "gen_death_msg149": "Oh, no! Anyway...", "gen_death_msg151": "Well... Didn't see that coming, did you?", "gen_death_msg153": "It was obvious, obviously.", "gen_death_msg154": "Even I felt that...", "gen_death_msg155": "Don't lose your cool.", "gen_death_msg156": "Your life was wiped.", "gen_death_msg157": "Think less, mash more!", "gen_death_msg158": "It is best not to be in that situation again.", "gen_death_msg159": "I get it! My work is absolutely breath-taking!", "gen_death_msg160": "I see that you are in awe.", "gen_death_msg161": "I can see you smiling! Just upside down...", "gen_death_msg162": "Your daily horoscope: You are playing a game.", "gen_death_msg163": "You were not the one.", "gen_death_msg164": "You have been beamed to this alternate reality. It isn't incredibly fun here.", "gen_death_msg165": "Hello there! Thank you for the visit!", "gen_death_msg166": "Oh, sorry! I forgot not to laugh!", "gen_death_msg167": "This may not have been what you wanted, but it's what you got.", "gen_death_msg168": "U-um! Are you sure you really wanted to do that?", "gen_death_msg169": "By resisting, you will get teased and squeezed.", "gen_death_msg170": "You smell like poppies.", "gen_death_msg171": "I smell a titan arum.", "gen_death_msg172": "Your suffering ended quickly.", "gen_death_msg173": "Love is stronger than fear.", "gen_death_msg174": "That was pretty scary.", "gen_death_msg175": "A real hammer nail-biting moment!", "gen_death_msg176": "Do you want pancakes? I like pancakes!", "gen_death_msg177": "That was wild!", "gen_death_msg178": "Totally astrological!", "gen_death_msg179": "I'm going back to making waffles...", "gen_death_msg180": "Sorry, I missed it because I was eating ice cream.", "gen_death_msg181": "You have no right to be this good.", "gen_death_msg182": "You learn something new every single day!", "gen_death_msg183": "What do you have to lose? Except your life, I guess...", "gen_death_msg184": "What else can you try?", "gen_death_msg185": "Never saw that one before...", "gen_death_msg186": "You were the last hope.", "gen_death_msg187": "They'll carry on without you.", "gen_death_msg188": "I'm not sure if they view you as a blessing or a curse...", "gen_death_msg189": "Don't give up!", "gen_death_msg190": "I have to pay my respects.", "gen_death_msg191": "I pressed \"E\" to \"care\".", "gen_death_msg192": "Yes, but no.", "gen_death_msg193": "Life doesn't stop just because yours has.", "gen_death_msg194": "I'm making sausage pancakes! You want some?", "gen_death_msg195": "I do not request any further elaboration.", "gen_death_msg196": "You lost. Naturally.", "gen_death_msg197": "Sometimes, failure is a part of growth. Sometimes.", "gen_death_msg198": "You've been through a lot, haven't you?", "gen_death_msg199": "That was a pain.", "gen_death_msg200": "Gee, you like getting hurt, don't you?", "gen_death_msg201": "I thought we were playing pattycake! Or really pattyface.", "gen_death_msg202": "Try a bit harder, okay?", "gen_death_msg203": "I don't understand...", "gen_death_msg204": "Holding on does more damage than letting go.", "gen_death_msg205": "You now know a bit more about this world.", "gen_death_msg206": "I am pleased with these results.", "gen_death_msg207": "My experiment is complete.", "gen_death_msg208": "How unlucky...", "gen_death_msg209": "Unquestionably surprising!", "gen_death_msg210": "I didn't mean to ruin your day.", "gen_death_msg211": "I can't unsee this.", "gen_death_msg212": "How are you doing? I thought I should ask.", "gen_death_msg213": "Pain is the true enemy.", "gen_death_msg214": "Not trying to be obvious, but I don't think you made it.", "gen_death_msg215": "The past hurts. However, I think we can learn from it.", "gen_death_msg216": "I think you missed the invoice. Since you're here, I can send it again!", "gen_death_msg217": "It's only fun when you're winning!", "gen_death_msg218": "It's so refreshing when you're here again!", "gen_death_msg219": "A new face is always nice.", "gen_death_msg220": "You're still fantastic in my eyes!", "gen_death_msg221": "Now is not the time to be hugging necks with your hands!", "gen_death_msg222": "We will need a slice of victory pie soon.", "gen_death_msg223": "I know a guy named Vic Troy. He doesn't come \"here\" often, though...", "gen_death_msg224": "I think I must wait faster!", "gen_death_msg225": "I was going to cheer, but there's nothing to cheer with...", "gen_death_msg226": "Don't you hate it when we conclude?", "gen_death_msg227": "A not-so-fitting end...", "gen_death_msg228": "It isn't about the destination. It's about the journey!", "gen_death_msg229": "Don't make me laugh!", "gen_death_msg230": "I hope to see you again!", "gen_death_msg231": "I'll be here. Waiting for your return.", "gen_death_msg232": "Not among the living anymore, are you?", "gen_death_msg233": "I know what time it is! It's pizza-o-clock!", "gen_death_msg234": "This is simply an obstacle that you have to overcome!", "gen_death_msg235": "All good times must end...", "gen_death_msg236": "Death is not the opposite of life, but simply a part of it. For you, at least.", "gen_death_msg237": "Sorry, my pizza was burning. What happened?", "gen_death_msg238": "Your growing intelligence frightens me.", "gen_death_msg239": "Your confusion and rage are clearly visible.", "gen_death_msg240": "Bunk.", "gen_death_msg241": "I am very fluent in speaking pain.", "gen_death_msg242": "We might need some lawn order.", "gen_death_msg243": "That was almost impressive.", "gen_death_msg244": "I feel that I should get involved.", "gen_death_msg245": "Being here was overrated anyway. Just more failures and responsibilities...", "gen_death_msg246": "This feels unfamiliar, yet familiar.", "gen_death_msg247": "This blanket of darkness is eerily comfortable.", "gen_death_msg248": "You're back! Don't worry, I don't bite that hard!", "gen_death_msg249": "With some counseling, I believe you'll come to forgive me for this.", "gen_death_msg250": "Oh, how the tables have turned!", "gen_death_msg251": "Oh, how the turns have tabled!", "gen_death_msg252": "You will be taught fear and pain, in that order.", "gen_death_msg253": "I think we can understand what's wrong here without me verbally explaining it.", "gen_death_msg254": "This makes me really sad for you.", "gen_death_msg255": "Well, that's a new one.", "gen_death_msg256": "That's not right on so many levels! Platforms, really...", "gen_death_msg257": "I have a few choice words for you: I love that you keep coming back!", "gen_death_msg258": "Wait until you see what I can do!", "gen_death_msg259": "That probably hurt...", "gen_death_msg260": "Wishful thinking doesn't work here.", "gen_death_msg261": "Your request has been denied!", "gen_death_msg262": "This was not enough to save you.", "gen_death_msg263": "The experiment is now offline.", "gen_death_msg264": "No more pain or frustration.", "gen_death_msg265": "A likely fate.", "gen_death_msg266": "I know how this will end!", "gen_death_msg267": "You've been led down a dark path.", "gen_death_msg268": "I will miss you.", "gen_death_msg269": "Am I making you look bad?", "gen_death_msg270": "That was disrespectful.", "gen_death_msg271": "You were permanently deleted.", "gen_death_msg272": "It is futile to resist.", "gen_death_msg273": "You can no longer bring change.", "gen_death_msg274": "You have failed in perpetuity.", "gen_death_msg275": "Death is a pretty bad injury.", "gen_death_msg276": "There will be no cure.", "gen_death_msg277": "I see.", "gen_death_msg278": "How interestingly interesting!", "gen_death_msg279": "It's tough out there! Treat this as a little break.", "gen_death_msg280": "I can't see how it gets better from here.", "gen_death_msg281": "Indeed.", "gen_death_msg282": "We are in space... Floating effortlessly in this infinite void.", "gen_death_msg283": "This was just a little workout!", "gen_death_msg284": "You have to finish it.", "gen_death_msg285": "WOW! Even better than I did!", "gen_death_msg286": "I saw that one coming!", "gen_death_msg287": "That was illegally legal!", "gen_death_msg288": "This makes me tired.", "gen_death_msg289": "This is the part where you start overthinking things.", "gen_death_msg290": "I believe you are starting to understand... I am also starting to overstand.", "gen_death_msg291": "Oh well, back to procrastinating!", "gen_death_msg292": "There was no there here or there.", "gen_death_msg293": "A day without you is a day without laughter.", "gen_death_msg294": "I hope you can see me as your- acquaintance.", "gen_death_msg295": "You may be asleep, or very asleep.", "gen_death_msg297": "Keep your hands where I can see them.", "gen_death_msg298": "I'll give you some crayons and a toothbrush, okay?", "gen_death_msg299": "Feeling great? I'll fix that soon!", "gen_death_msg300": "I'm excited to be here.", "gen_death_msg301": "There's nothing to fear, except me.", "gen_death_msg302": "It's getting serious!", "gen_death_msg303": "Negative reply!", "gen_death_msg304": "You'll probably remember to not do that.", "gen_death_msg305": "Yeaaaahhhh No.", "gen_death_msg306": "Failure isn't that hard to swallow...", "gen_death_msg307": "I'm not here to make you feel unaccomplished!", "gen_death_msg308": "Oh, look at that! A blank screen!", "gen_death_msg309": "This is pretty humiliating.", "gen_death_msg310": "The pain, ouch...", "gen_death_msg311": "The rage will make you stronger!", "gen_death_msg312": "To the great darkness, I will return.", "gen_death_msg313": "An award-winning performance!", "gen_death_msg314": "Indubitably! And I use the term precisely!", "gen_death_msg315": "Fun fact: I almost named the game, \"Freedom The Movie: The Game\"!", "gen_death_msg316": "Information: You are reading a death message.", "gen_death_msg317": "You may take offense, but I take defense.", "gen_death_msg318": "If you're scared, just say so.", "gen_death_msg319": "Let's look at the damage, shall we?", "gen_death_msg320": "Do ya like jazz smooth or rough?", "gen_death_msg321": "Just keep jumping! Oh, wait...", "gen_death_msg322": "Master failure unlocked.", "gen_death_msg323": "You have been erased completely.", "gen_death_msg324": "Only time will decide whether you will be remembered, even by family.", "gen_death_msg325": "Long live the fearless Leader...", "gen_death_msg326": "Regrettably, you're back here now.", "gen_death_msg327": "Before you came here, this place has been used as a conference room many times.", "gen_death_msg328": "You have failed the experiment.", "gen_death_msg329": "What's the world coming to when it's this dark?", "gen_death_msg330": "Keeping this place dark saves on energy!", "gen_death_msg331": "Totally not expendable!", "gen_death_msg332": "Rough...", "gen_death_msg333": "I'm out of breath just watching you!", "gen_death_msg334": "I have the CONFUSION!", "gen_death_msg335": "You are not affiliated with me! Unless you want to be...", "gen_death_msg336": "I guess you aren't much more than a pretty face.", "gen_death_msg337": "We are in the appropriately named room called the, \"Super Duper Room of Darkness\"!", "gen_death_msg338": "Don't be mad, be thankful you didn't do worse!", "gen_death_msg339": "You almost made me smile.", "gen_death_msg340": "Your career has ended.", "gen_death_msg341": "Not again!", "gen_death_msg342": "This is amusing.", "gen_death_msg343": "Hello!", "gen_death_msg344": "Well, aren't \"you\" a saucy meatball?", "gen_death_msg345": "Let's end on a cliffhanger!", "gen_death_msg346": "We don't have time for quirks!", "gen_death_msg347": "Imperfection will be no more.", "gen_death_msg348": "This will be a blemish on your platforming record.", "gen_death_msg349": "You must get more work experience before you get the job.", "gen_death_msg350": "Mission Incomplete!", "gen_death_msg351": "Yikes!", "gen_death_msg352": "Yeah, excellent!", "gen_death_msg353": "Breaking News: You didn't make it!", "gen_death_msg354": "There is no need for crass remarks.", "gen_death_msg355": "I will continue to dramatically shake my head disappointingly.", "gen_death_msg356": "You have requested answers, but you will only receive questions.", "gen_death_msg357": "Sleep tight! Don't let the vultures bite!", "gen_death_msg358": "You have been blessed with a game to play, but you have been cursed with poor platforming skills.", "gen_death_msg359": "Back to the Dark Ages.", "gen_death_msg360": "Losing will hurt for a bit.", "gen_death_msg361": "No people were harmed in the creation of this game. They were all harmed after the game was created!", "gen_death_msg362": "Skill + Luck = Winning!", "gen_death_msg363": "This was a completely original concept.", "gen_death_msg364": "Am I making fun of you? Maybe.", "gen_death_msg365": "That doesn't even count as a warm-up!", "gen_death_msg366": "But wait, there's more!", "gen_death_msg367": "Don't get glad, and don't get mad!", "gen_death_msg368": "Don't do that to me.", "gen_death_msg369": "Eating a lollipop with the wrapper and the stick was far more exciting...", "gen_death_msg370": "You could meet a might-not-be-so-friendly rock down here.", "gen_death_msg371": "You're gonna win or you won't, I guarantee it!", "gen_death_msg372": "You have not surpassed my expectations.", "gen_death_msg373": "Status: Unknown", "gen_death_msg374": "There is a time and place for everything, but we don't have time for this.", "gen_death_msg375": "Popping in, as usual, I see?", "gen_death_msg376": "I've talked to my friends and your therapist, but we didn't get very far with anything.", "gen_death_msg377": "A minor-major hazard!", "gen_death_msg378": "That must be painful! This brings me joy.", "gen_death_msg379": "*Internal screaming intensifies*", "gen_death_msg380": "Side effects may include: \"Nothing\"", "gen_death_msg381": "This will take a while.", "gen_death_msg382": "I won't yell at you with aggressive red text.", "gen_death_msg383": "I could say, \"No Pressure\", but then you'll feel stressed...", "gen_death_msg384": "It wasn't the right time.", "gen_death_msg385": "Such a tragic accident.", "gen_death_msg386": "It's no use any longer.", "gen_death_msg387": "This might be worse than having an itchy rash on the most inaccessible part of your back.", "gen_death_msg388": "I was taking notes, but now that I look at it, the notes aren't very good.", "gen_death_msg389": "That was about as foolish as switching the toilet paper roll's direction in someone else's home...", "gen_death_msg390": "There is quite a bit of order in all the disorder.", "gen_death_msg391": "Communication is important!", "gen_death_msg392": "You're sort of right, but not really...", "gen_death_msg393": "Is life truly worth living if you haven't been living life?", "gen_death_msg394": "Looking beat, take a seat!", "gen_death_msg395": "It's not the outcome you wanted, but it's the outcome you got.", "gen_death_msg396": "All that rising action, but no peak...", "gen_death_msg397": "Well, that's going to be another hour of your time.", "gen_death_msg398": "Hello danger!", "gen_death_msg399": "Failing forward is the first step to finally succeeding.", "gen_death_msg400": "Believe in yourself.", "gen_death_msg401": "You will get it eventually.", "gen_death_msg402": "That was a minor major accident.", "gen_death_msg403": "It's better to embrace it than resist.", "gen_death_msg404": "That was not a bug, but it was a very spicy feature.", "gen_death_msg405": "Anger only leads to anger.", "gen_death_msg406": "You're done!", "gen_death_msg407": "Good hustle!", "gen_death_msg408": "Hmm. This could be a problem.", "gen_death_msg409": "This is where I draw the line! But you can erase it.", "gen_death_msg410": "Jump?", "gen_death_msg411": "This is a petting zoo, where you can pet all the darkness!", "gen_death_msg412": "I might suggest a solution. Because you're wrong.", "gen_death_msg413": "A cry for help in at least thirty languages...", "gen_death_msg414": "Wrong answer!", "gen_death_msg415": "Where you see simplicity, I see beauty", "gen_death_msg416": "Where you see simplicity, I see difficulty", "gen_death_msg417": "I'm liking this more than I want to...", "gen_death_msg418": "I think someone has an unhealthy obsession with not winning!", "gen_death_msg419": "That's the face of a happy gamer.", "gen_death_msg420": "No one remembers the good guys anyway...", "gen_death_msg421": "It's illegal to be alive in here.", "gen_death_msg422": "Great wisdom comes from a very bad experience.", "branch_msg0": "Yes", "branch_msg1": "No", "leader_scene0": "Well, look who dropped in! You have been quite the handful!", "leader_scene1": "*Gasp* I-", "leader_scene2": "Ah, so I see you recognize her, but she has lost her memories and does not recognize you.", "leader_scene3": "I found her in the field, and she would have been gone that day if it weren't for my kindness.", "leader_scene4": "Now, you will fight to the end, how exciting!", "leader_scene5": "No! That hat...", "leader_scene6": "Great... I suppose I will finish this myself.", "leader_scene7": "Who would have thought it could come to this?", "lab_fish0": "No one fed the fish.", "drift_cat0": "Don't give up!", "drift_cat1": "I believe in you!", "drift_sleep0": "He is unconscious.", "drift_sleep1": "He is pretending to be unconscious to escape working.", "drift_sleep2": "He was pretending to be unconscious but put in too much effort and fell asleep anyway.", "drifter_msg0": "With a heavy heart, I must ask for all of you to give a moment of silence for our dear brother Louie, who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we may live on.", "drifter_msg1": "Ah, a newcomer.", "drifter_msg2": "Enough, brothers! We do not want to scare away the delicious newcomer, our new friend.", "drifter_msg3": "Hello, friend. We are the Blancinas, lowly and faithful believers in the destruction of the Leader for the crimes committed against us!", "drifter_msg4": "My name is Lira, and my brothers are Febbri, Divecree, Ellret, Fariselif, Leafs, Purrjeer, Tesswin, Marneroc, Flitsbau, and Kevin.", "drifter_msg5": "We have Meat-filled Mondays where we eat pretend meat, or Fun Fridays with throwing darts and other fun stuff, such as eating fun!", "drifter_msg6": "Make yourself at home, but do not go any farther to the right.", "drifter_msg7": "We do not have any more food, and I would \"hate\" if anything bad happened to you...", "crafty_msg0": "Ah, a wandering traveler. It's been a while since I've seen a new, fresh face.", "crafty_msg1": "My name is Crafty. It is genuinely nice to meet you! You even have that new kid smell, and I love it!", "crafty_msg2": "You aren't the only one to be down here, though.", "crafty_msg3": "There is some strange group that keeps chanting about being part of some revolution, but they've been here for years...", "crafty_msg4": "This entrance you came through is only a one-way, so you will find an exit east of here. Just keep walking right.", "crafty_msg5": "I could have been out of here by now, but the sun hurts.", "crafty_msg6": "My eyes, I mean... Anyway, good luck!", "lab_msg0": "We were able to find a small town with peculiar creatures.", "lab_msg1": "After extracting horns from some of the weaker ones, we were able to create a serum that provided the effect we were looking for.", "lab_msg2": "We needed humble servants to test this new formula, however, the other vermin prevented us from taking them...", "lab_msg3": "We remedied the situation immediately and got the servants we needed.", "lab_msg4": "The opposers' sacrifices are in the name of science and progress.", "lab_msg5": "The formula causes severe burns and extreme pain when ingested, so we completed the serum to send to Neo Rotund, the best knight we had, but caused severe bloating...", "lab_msg6": "Rotund received a promotion after most of the swelling reduced, and the strongest subjects recovered and were continually experimented on.", "lab_msg7": "The other servants who did not recover were sent to the fertilizer and salt factories.", "debosse_scene0": "We have a major-minor issue, Boss.", "debosse_scene1": "Yes? What is it?", "debosse_scene2": "Your men and I were ambushed by this \"thing\"! Eight-feet tall, a thirty-two-pack of abs on top of already toned abs, and some self-righteous grin!", "debosse_scene3": "I was totally intimidated, yet somehow intrigued?", "debosse_scene4": "Ahh! You are here!?!", "debosse_scene5": "Surely, you cannot be serious!", "debosse_scene6": "My name is Ryan...", "debosse_scene7": "This is but a child! The appearance is not as you have described! Do we have to have a little talk, Private?", "debosse_scene8": "I assure you; I stay nowhere near children anymore as per your instructions.", "debosse_scene9": "I have trained mighty warriors able to take entire cities within hours during my trips around Dalle, yet you have no military or fighting experience and can defeat them in around three hits...", "debosse_scene10": "Private!", "debosse_scene11": "Y-yes, General?", "debosse_scene12": "Tell my daughter it is time. She needs to understand that she will be the next servant of the Leader, just as her mother and father before her.", "debosse_scene13": "Your silence speaks volumes, child. I applaud you for getting this far, as it makes my job a lot more interesting.", "debosse_scene14": "I promise you that I will beat you in seven ways: Up, Down, Left, Right, Sideways, Diagonally, and Repeatedly.", "debosse_scene15": "Now, we shall see what my men are so worried about.", "debosse_scene16": "I will finish this myself!", "leader_mother0": "She is not well.", "leader_mother1": "She has not been well ever since her father jumped off the cliff of our palace to reach some underground \"pool of desires\".", "leader_mother2": "It was just a tale that the guards would pass between each other, but her father would always wonder about what was down there.", "leader_mother3": "One day, his curiosity got the better of him. He decided that he wanted to explore the hole for himself, even though everyone knew it was a myth.", "leader_mother4": "...", "leader_mother5": "I still wish that he didn't go...", "leader_mother6": "I left the throne in grief, leaving our only daughter as the Leader of our people.", "applewood_soldier_msg0": "(The North needs more cotton...)", "applewood_soldier_msg1": "What are you doing here? Get back to work!", "applewood_soldier_msg2": "You look different...", "normal_drifter_npc_msg0": "Fresh meat!", "normal_drifter_npc_msg1": "Long live the revolution!", "other_drifter_npc_msg0": "Where is the bathroom?", "other_drifter_npc_msg1": "I don't remember where it is.", "auto_npc_msg0": "You are so rude!", "auto_npc_msg1": "I know, right?", "funny_enemy0": "We need some first aid, second aid, third aid, fourth aid, and fifth aid!", "funny_enemy1": "Stand by on the sixth aid.", "npc_ricky0": "Oozy, Johnny is in the hospital.", "npc_oozy0": "What?", "npc_ricky1": "It is a place where sick people get treated, but that is not important right now!", "course_leader_msg0": "Fearless Leader!", "course_leader_msg1": "Speak.", "course_leader_msg2": "There appears to be some \"Resister\" that is causing a disturbance!", "course_leader_msg3": "Exterminate the threat quickly.", "course_leader_msg4": "We do not need our other servants to get any more \"smart\" ideas.", "game_window_msg0": "Freedom", "game_window_msg1": "The Death", "version_msg0": "vB", "score_msg0": "Score:", "npc_mayo0": "How do you do, Hadu?", "npc_reo0": "Gee, aren't climbing ladders fun???", "npc_lapheron0": "Hey, I'm Lapheron!", "npc_lapheron1": "I don't know how I got here or for how long I've been here, actually.", "npc_lapheron2": "I've been getting hungry lately, so I started eating those berries over there.", "npc_lapheron3": "Sometime later, my mouth stays frozen and one of my arms ends up shrinking!", "npc_lapheron4": "I can't read though, so I don't know what that sign says, kid...", "npc_handy0": "We did not always grow cotton here.", "npc_handy1": "We originally grew apple trees, but the demand was no longer there.", "npc_handy2": "The Leader burned down all the trees and made us grow cotton instead.", "npc_handy3": "The cotton now has a scent of apples when harvested, so that was quite popular in the North.", "npc_handy4": "We got the name \"Applewood\" as a reminder of the crops that we used to grow.", "burka_sign_msg0": "DO NOT EAT THE BERRIES!", "burka_sign_msg1": "MAY CAUSE SHRINKAGE TO APPENDAGES!", "burka_sign_msg2": "WE HAVE TRIED THEM, SO WE KNOW!!!!", "angry_sign_msg0": "For employees, continue all the way right.", "angry_sign_msg1": "For our loyal servants...", "angry_sign_msg2": "Fall straight down! :)", "npc_marty0": "I like turtles.", "npc_mytar0": "Do I enjoy toys?", "npc_josh0": "I love trains!", "delete_save_msg0": "Your save has been deleted.\nI hope we'll meet again someday!\nHugs! :)", "minigame_msg0": "You earned", "minigame_msg1": "blocks!", "minigame_msg2": "block!", "shd_warning0": "Your device may not support the shaders that I use for this game. Without that support, I cannot guarantee that the effects will be as flashy as what I have intended. I apologize for any inconveniences.", "leader_laser0": "Prepare to be eliminated!", "trans_prelude0": "Get up or be eliminated!", "trans_prelude1": "Wait! She's just tired!", "trans_prelude2": "NOOOOO!", "oldman_pet_msg0": "He really enjoys this for some reason...", "lilgirl_pet_msg0": "Her parent continues to look at me in disappointment.", "leader_convo0": "Hmm, interesting.", "restart_msg0": "Use", "restart_msg1": "to restart", "npc_parcel0": "Hello there!", "npc_parcel1": "It is something that you were able to get past that bridge back there! It is quite dangerous!", "npc_parcel2": "You might be surprised as to why I am talking to you.", "npc_parcel3": "It does not matter to me what you look like.", "npc_parcel4": "I respect all people. I know that my peers may not like that, though.", "npc_parcel5": "I get lost frequently, and as a postal worker, makes doing my job quite difficult...", "npc_parcel6": "Anyway, I think you are a good kid, so I will give you some advice so you will not get stuck like me.", "npc_parcel7": "To get past this area, you will need to perform a wall jump.", "npc_parcel8": "A wall jump, also known as a, \"not just hopping on the same wall over and over\" jump!", "npc_parcel9": "All you must do is get close to the wall as if you were hugging it, and watch as debris comes off!", "npc_parcel10": "Afterward, you jump from the wall and keep jumping to get to wherever you need to go!", "npc_parcel11": "Well, good luck and happy jumping!", "npc_parcel12": "Oh, sorry, I thought you were stalking me through the stalks.", "npc_parcel13": "As part of my job, I go to all sorts of places, but the cornfield has always been one of my favorites.", "npc_parcel14": "It takes a LOT of running and jumping to do my job every day, but someone has to do it.", "npc_parcel15": "Anyway, there is talk of some dangerous \"Resister\", so please examine your kneecaps for any suspicious activity.", "npc_parcel16": "Oh, and be aware of the rest of your body and surroundings too, I guess...", "npc_parcel17": "Hey there!", "npc_parcel18": "My name is Parcel, and my friends call me Parcel, but you can call me Parcel.", "npc_parcel19": "Anyway, listen up! There are some holes and barrels here.", "npc_parcel20": "Some guy spent all night painting these barrels red as a joke, but they instantly started to become explosive!", "npc_parcel21": "I lost some good friends from those holes as well, so be careful with those too.", "npc_parcel22": "See you later!", "npc_parcel23": "Hey there!", "npc_parcel24": "Can you help me out? The bridges were just here, but the lava started rising suddenly and melted them! Can you put water on the lava?", "npc_parcel25": "Thank you very much! I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here to save me.", "npc_parcel26": "Mailmen are viewed as expendable, so I will be fired by HR if I do not get the packages done on time.", "npc_parcel27": "After these deliveries, I will quit and spend time with my family and make sure I am there for them!", "npc_parcel28": "There is some \"Resister\" going around causing trouble, so get to safety while that troublemaker isn't here.", "npc_parcel29": "I hope I get to see you again, friend.", "leader_home0": "This is a depiction of a princess and a boring guy in the middle of nowhere about to be chased by some creature with colorful eyes... But where's the prince?", "minikeep_msg0": "Hello!", "minikeep_msg1": "Continue further to play our Balloon Jumper game!", "minikeep_msg2": "Play the Running game!", "minikeep_msg3": "Passing this mostly yellow line will make me five blocks richer and allow you to choose a new chest! No refunds!", "minikeep_msg4": "I am a struggling local business owner, so no blocks mean no service!", "npc_sam0": "Those Red Heads are super mean!", "npc_sam1": "Mommy and Daddy have been working really hard, but they always want more!", "npc_pala0": "Don't touch the cactus, trust me.", "npc_henry0": "It has been so long since I have lived in a non-rounded establishment...", "npc_john0": "The Red Heads have been working us sick.", "npc_john1": "Well, at least a witch didn't curse us to this grueling torment...", "my_name0": "Check doll", "my_name1": "Check mattress", "my_name2": "Check sign", "my_name3": "Proceed", "my_name4": "Lapheron", "my_name5": "Look at portrait", "my_name6": "Check", "my_name7": "Rub cat", "my_name8": "Pet dog", "my_name9": "Pet little girl", "my_name10": "Pat llama", "my_name11": "Pet old man", "my_name12": "Customize", "my_name13": "John", "my_name14": "Sam", "my_name15": "Handy", "my_name16": "Reo-Mullin", "my_name17": "Ms. Gardner", "my_name18": "Henry", "my_name19": "Our Doctor", "my_name25": "Observe outhouse", "my_name26": "Pet spider", "my_name27": "Shopkeeper", "my_name28": "Fox", "my_name29": "Fisherman Cole", "my_name30": "Inspect Bones", "my_name31": "Officer Johnny", "my_name32": "Yuri", "my_name33": "Carrie", "my_name34": "Rindy", "my_name35": "Amy", "my_name36": "Observer Tom", "my_name37": "Yisho", "my_name38": "The journal", "my_name39": "Richard", "my_name40": "Fud", "my_name41": "Lefty", "my_name42": "Hazen", "my_name43": "Bechamel", "my_name44": "Lasagna", "my_name45": "Alfredo", "my_name46": "Soldier Mico", "my_name47": "Soldier Gary", "my_name48": "Daddy Edward", "my_name49": "Rebecca", "my_name50": "Suriano", "my_name51": "Blaise", "my_name52": "Betty", "my_name53": "Max", "my_name54": "Pala", "my_name56": "Pickup hat", "my_name57": "Inspect strange flower", "my_name58": "Diswaye", "my_name59": "Ballooron", "my_name60": "Granma", "my_name61": "Marty", "my_name62": "Josh", "my_name63": "Mytar", "my_name64": "Seth", "my_name65": "Degurl", "seth_msg0": "Hi! You talking to me made my day!", "balloon_msg0": "Hey bud!", "npc_diswaye0": "I am Diswaye, and I know the way! Follow me!", "npc_diswaye1": "I'm impressed! How did you know that this was an illusion and wouldn't smash your pretty face?", "catlover_msg0": "Do you like cats?", "catlover_msg1": "Yes, kitties are the best.", "catlover_msg2": "You're lying! Are you a spy for the \"dogs\"?!?", "lefty_msg0": "When I was a kid, Handy and I would always want to go to the restaurants in Hitzkhold!", "lefty_msg1": "Yet our parents always said we have food at home...", "fud_msg0": "We've got cannoli, donkey meatballs, pizza with anchovies, pecorino, parmesan, chives, and tiramisu!", "iron_msg0": "A hot iron used for marking runaways.", "love_msg0": "I guess you caught us...", "love_msg1": "Before you judge us, just understand I love him!", "love_msg2": "And I love her!", "sheep_msg0": "These are guard sheep. They have sharp tails and mouths that split in four.", "sheep_msg1": "They are the large and strange creatures Reds hatch from eggs to retrieve runaways.", "transport_msg0": "Transport", "transport_msg1": "Where do you want to go?", "transport_choice0": "Applewood", "transport_choice1": "Witchdoctor's Home", "transport_choice2": "Hitzkhold", "transport_choice3": "Leader's Stronghold", "npc_redplace0": "I dream of a world where we can all be happy together.", "npc_redplace1": "I dream of a world where we are treated as worth more than the crops we grow.", "npc_redplace2": "I dream of a world where I don't have to suffer this pain anymore...", "someplant_msg0": "It smells of okra, lavender, and honeysuckle.", "farmer_msg0": "Darn ye and yerself! Who does ye belong to?", "farmer_msg1": "I can't be taking no trouble from some insane runaway. I'm poor as is and can't afford a lawyer if yer owner threatens me!", "farmer_msg2": "Get away!", "rain_msg0": "Your clothes look quite wet.", "rain_msg1": "Are you insulting me, sir?", "rain_msg2": "No, no. I was making an observation.", "rain_msg3": "Are you insulting MEEEE?!?!?!!?!", "rain_msg4": "Sir?", "rain_msg5": "I did not say anything that did not need to be said!", "rain_msg6": "Why don't we talk about it somewhere else, okay?", "secdance_msg0": "I'm dancing to the beat! I must match the beat!", "secdance_msg1": "REEEEEEE!!!", "secdance_msg2": "He's faced the music...", "girl_switch0": "She appears to be playing some sort of game with three mythical creatures and a duck.", "girl_switch1": "It looks pretty fun.", "gary_soldier0": "We are busy harvesting peanut salt.", "rainer_msg0": "It's gonna rain today or it won't. I guarantee it!", "thrtn_msg0": "She's thirteen!", "board_msg0": "This is a board with the word, \"DIRECTORS\" written on it.", "twice_npc0": "Hi!", "twice_npc1": "Why were you expecting me to say something else?", "science1_msg0": "Sympathy for fellow people?", "science1_msg1": "Never heard of it.", "science1_msg2": "However, it does sound interesting. Does it taste good?", "science2_msg0": "I keep trying to make my instructions idiot-proof, but the Leader keeps giving me better idiots!", "science3_msg0": "The Leader asks quite pertinent questions.", "science4_msg0": "I have to get my Copyright, Copyleft, Copyup, and Copydown licenses in order!", "em_msg0": "Welcome, I am sure you have had a little moment to enjoy yourself.", "em_msg1": "Wait a moment, you're not the one. Well, no matter.", "em_msg2": "My name is Emjaybee, and you will see me again, but not in this boring and nearly colorless world.", "minca_msg0": "Minca terns... Dumb birds with mustaches.", "bechamel_msg0": "Billy Bob Sizily owns this place, and he named it after himself.", "lasagna_msg0": "Huey Hitzkhold owns the next town over, which is also named after himself.", "lasagna_msg1": "Both Hitzkhold and Sizily are brothers even though they both changed their names.", "alfredo_msg0": "Shipwrecks occur often when delivering packages and servants.", "alfredo_msg1": "Not a lot of servants make it the full trip.", "alfredo_msg2": "Such a waste of resources...", "suriano_msg0": "Wow! I haven't seen you for a long time, huh?", "suriano_msg1": "I'm sorry, but the Reds forced me to stay here awhile to be their mascot for this place but say hello to your family for me!", "betty_msg0": "Hello sweetie!", "betty_msg1": "I would love to chat some more, but I seem to have misplaced my keys...", "max_msg0": "Good morning, honey. Tell your grandmother that I will not stay here for long and I will be back with all of you soon!", "blaise_msg0": "Well, if it isn't my little brother's kid!", "blaise_msg1": "When I get out of here, I'll take all of us so we can finish building my house!", "blaise_msg2": "Your aunt and Patrick are not feeling too well and are still in the hospital, but they keep telling me one of the things they want to do most is to finish that house with us!", "jumpshot_msg0": "Hold", "jumpshot_msg1": "for a moment to shoot upwards!", "suriano_rock0": "Dedicated to Suriano: Coach, Teacher, Friend", "base_name0": "Talk with", "couple_msg0": "Where are you going?", "couple_msg1": "I am walking left because you didn't treat me right!", "school_msg0": "Get out of here!", "school_msg1": "We do not want you here!", "school_msg2": "I will bite you if you do not leave!", "school_msg3": "Hello!", "school_msg4": "And goodbye!", "school_msg5": "To whom do you belong?", "school_msg6": "I did not call for a servant.", "school_msg7": "Scram!", "fox_msg0": "Nice fox!", "bone_msg0": "Some fish bones.", "fish_msg0": "I have been trying to find my pet fish, Goldy, for three years!", "fish_msg1": "Have you seen him?", "applewood_scientist_msg0": "Come back later!", "talker_text0": "You pet the girl!", "talker_text1": "You pet the old man!", "myhome_msg0": "Mr. Doggy!", "myhome_msg1": "He is a toy dog that has helped me through many ruff nights.", "myhome_msg2": "This is the mattress that my family uses to sleep.", "myhome_msg3": "Our superiors do not give us much, so we have to use this for warmth.", "trans_myhome0": "(Gah!)", "trans_myhome1": "(Hmph, another lousy day...)", "player_gardner0": "I did not come here to read, Ms. Gardner.", "player_safe0": "You're the cat we found a couple of months ago, aren't you?!", "gardner_msg0": "Ah, my favorite student! Did you come for another \"lesson\"?", "gardner_msg1": "Shhh! Not so loud!", "gardner_msg2": "You will get me in big trouble!", "gardner_msg3": "Very well then, I will attend to my sword lily until your return.", "player_cave0": "I have to say the magic words!", "player_cave1": "Open!", "player_cave2": "Open Sesame!", "player_cave3": "Please?", "applewood_hm0": "A picture of our neighbors and their child.", "applewood_hm1": "The mother got really sick from the caves and is no longer with us.", "dog_name0": "Obtain dog", "cat_name0": "Obtain cat", "pickup_no0": "Okay, maybe next time...", "dog_pickup0": "You got the dog!", "pickup0": "(Pick up the dog?)", "pickup1": "(Pick up the cat?)", "cat_pickup0": "You got the cat!", "item_pickup0": "You got the", "item_pickup1": "!", "hat_name0": "Antlers", "hat_name1": "Baker Hat", "hat_name2": "Beret Cap", "hat_name3": "Boring Cap", "hat_name4": "Buckle Hat", "hat_name5": "Cat", "hat_name6": "Chef's Hat", "hat_name7": "Cone Hat", "hat_name8": "Cookie Hat", "hat_name9": "Cowboy Hat", "hat_name10": "Evil Crown", "hat_name11": "Crown", "hat_name12": "Duck", "hat_name13": "Headdress", "hat_name14": "Explorer Hat", "hat_name15": "Floral Cap", "hat_name16": "Floral String", "hat_name17": "Fluffy Cloud", "hat_name18": "Forks", "hat_name19": "Gift Box", "hat_name20": "Halo", "hat_name21": "Headband", "hat_name22": "Heart", "hat_name23": "Strange Mask", "hat_name24": "Leaf Hat", "hat_name25": "Magician Cap", "hat_name26": "Mailman Hat", "hat_name27": "Mask", "hat_name28": "Noodle Hat", "hat_name29": "Nurse Hat", "hat_name30": "Party Hat", "hat_name31": "Peel", "hat_name32": "Pirate Hat", "hat_name33": "Pompadour", "hat_name34": "Rabbit Ears", "hat_name35": "Shower Cap", "hat_name36": "Slug", "hat_name37": "Soldier Hat", "hat_name38": "Sunglasses", "hat_name39": "Monocle", "hat_name40": "Dog", "hat_name41": "Top Hat", "hat_name42": "Pizza Slice", "hat_name43": "Traffic Cone", "hat_name44": "Cake", "hat_name45": "Ike & Bertie", "hat_name46": "Hive", "hat_name47": "Marshmallow", "hat_name48": "Miner Cap", "hat_name49": "Mocha", "hat_name50": "Fez", "hat_name51": "Extra Hat", "hat_description0": "A mighty deer", "hat_description1": "Making cookies?", "hat_description2": "Well-woven", "hat_description3": "The original", "hat_description4": "Buckles!", "hat_description5": "A comfortable cat!", "hat_description6": "Feeling hungry...", "hat_description7": "Quite warm", "hat_description8": "Must resist", "hat_description9": "Lassos!", "hat_description10": "Pure evil", "hat_description11": "Royalty!", "hat_description12": "You're the mama", "hat_description13": "An earlier era", "hat_description14": "Exploration!", "hat_description15": "Great for sun!", "hat_description16": "Quite pretty", "hat_description17": "Very fluffy", "hat_description18": "Cool utensils", "hat_description19": "Surprise!", "hat_description20": "Heavenly", "hat_description21": "Very moist...", "hat_description22": "Love you", "hat_description23": "Whispers?", "hat_description24": "Sun-powered", "hat_description25": "Magical", "hat_description26": "Special delivery", "hat_description27": "Some cloth", "hat_description28": "Instant snacking", "hat_description29": "Pretty nurse", "hat_description30": "Party time!", "hat_description31": "Don't slip", "hat_description32": "Arrrr!", "hat_description33": "Quite high", "hat_description34": "Certified cute", "hat_description35": "Refreshing!", "hat_description36": "No shell", "hat_description37": "Serious", "hat_description38": "Cool trick", "hat_description39": "Good show!", "hat_description40": "Hmmm", "hat_description41": "Very useful", "hat_description42": "Yummy cheese", "hat_description43": "Construction!", "hat_description44": "Anniversaries!", "hat_description45": "Loved dearly", "hat_description46": "Honey...", "hat_description47": "Squishy by-products", "hat_description48": "Crafting too", "hat_description49": "Toasty Joe", "hat_description50": "Origin Unknown", "hat_description51": "An extra", "witchroom_msg0": "A dog with a cat head.", "witchroom_msg1": "A cat with a dog head.", "witchroom_msg2": "A normal dog.", "witchdoctor_msg0": "Welcome, and I use the term precisely!", "witchdoctor_msg1": "Don't mind my \"pets\", as they enjoy being monstrosities.", "witchdoctor_msg2": "Especially that normal one...", "witchdoctor_msg3": "Being normal is incredibly weird, isn't it?", "witchdoctor_msg4": "Anyway, you are welcome to take a hat.", "witchdoctor_msg5": "If you can handle it, that is!", "trans_convo0": "Good morning, honey. How was your night?", "trans_convo1": "Fine, Mommy.", "trans_convo2": "I know you are furious over what \"they\" did to your sister.", "trans_convo3": "Your father and I are incredibly frustrated as well.", "trans_convo4": "However, please do not be reckless. We cannot lose you too.", "trans_convo5": "Your father and I are here for you.", "trans_convo6": "I'm fine, I just need to go to the field.", "trans_convo7": "Alright, good luck. And don't anger the guards, trust me.", "trans_convo8": "My child.", "trans_convo9": "You really shouldn't be going this way.", "trans_convo10": "If \"I\" were you, I would go back to the field and work.", "trans_convo11": "Be a good servant and go and do that, okay? Great!", "trans_convo12": "Yes, Daddy?", "trans_convo13": "Don't forget to take deep breaths. They always help.", "trans_convo14": "Get back to work!", "trans_convo15": "Her cat!", "trans_convo16": "Jump off this cliff.\nYou have to believe in yourself.", "trans_convo17": "This mysterious flower gives you the ability to double jump!", "trans_convo18": "Finally...", "trans_convo19": "There will be reinforcements...", "trans_convo20": "Hey, I'm Lofster.", "trans_convo21": "Come to me if you need to change the color of your hat!", "trans_convo22": "Go back to the field!", "trans_convo23": "No.", "trans_convo24": "Then prepare to be eliminated.", "trans_convo25": "A piece of her hat!", "trans_convo26": "You have a lot of nerve showing yourself here.", "trans_convo27": "No matter! I, Coupe Tet, will be your opponent!", "trans_convo28": "Hon hon! After eliminating you, the Leader will finally appreciate moi!", "trans_convo29": "En Garde!", "trans_convo30": "Sacre bleu! How could you defeat me?", "trans_convo31": "I am the greatest swordfighter in all of Dalle!", "trans_convo32": "Ton ton ton...", "trans_convo33": "Enough running!", "trans_convo34": "One more should finish it...", "trans_convo35": "Nooo! How could a cat beat me?!?", "trans_convo36": "I'm, okay?!?", "trans_convo37": "You're the cat we found a couple of months ago, aren't you!", "trans_convo38": "Your extermination is in progress.", "trans_convo39": "Your extermination is progressing.", "trans_convo40": "Is this snow?", "trans_convo41": "No, it's something more...", "trans_convo42": "Get the Resister!", "trans_convo43": "How did you get here?", "trans_convo44": "Why are you looking at me like that? It's not like I waited for you or anything!", "trans_convo45": "Smell ya later, loser!", "trans_convo46": "Heehawhaa!", "trans_convo47": "Oh, sorry! I was enjoying the time we spent together! ♥", "trans_convo48": "I will stay on if you hit me with one of your bullets again! ♥♥", "trans_convo49": "Hold", "trans_convo50": "before getting on the trampoline to bounce higher!", "trans_convo51": "Get up NOW!", "trans_convo52": "Wait, it's you!?!", "trans_convo53": "Hey.", "trans_convo54": "No thanks, I'm out of here!", "trans_convo55": "What have you done?", "trans_convo56": "I saved you.", "trans_convo57": "You did not save me from anything! You have just made my life much worse to bear!", "trans_convo58": "You have made the lives of all of us worse with your mischief!", "trans_convo59": "There have been groups of strong adult men and women who have started revolts before.", "trans_convo60": "However, they have all been quickly ended and led to life becoming more torturous for all the ones still living.", "trans_convo61": "Why else would you think that they make us live in separate prisons?", "trans_convo62": "They split us up to make it significantly more difficult to conspire against them!", "trans_convo63": "Besides, what makes your irresponsible and reckless uprising different from theirs?", "trans_convo64": "That I will not fail.", "trans_convo65": "Our favorite hill! Can't wait to race you down!", "trans_convo66": "Lily, be careful!", "trans_convo67": "I value food and relationships! In that order!", "trans_convo68": "Hmm. You look suspicious.", "trans_convo69": "Leeemmee seee!", "trans_convo70": "Sir Rotund of the round table!", "trans_convo71": "Sure, he wasn't the straightest man on the round table, but he was certainly around when you needed him.", "trans_convo72": "Aww! You guys are using my fabulous catchphrase! I think we can let the adorable servant go!", "trans_convo73": "If you say so...", "trans_convo74": "Papa, a deer hit me!", "trans_convo75": "What?!? You don't mean that you hit a deer, right?", "trans_convo76": "No, Papa! I got hit by a deer! It is over there!", "trans_convo77": "Greetings.", "trans_convo78": "I have nothing against you, so I will give you those antlers as a gift.", "trans_convo79": "The attack was nothing personal, it was just business.", "trans_convo80": "Iyaa? How did you get here? I guess the Leader must know about this...", "trans_convo81": "Give it to me straight, Judas. Are you working with them?", "trans_convo82": "Oh, I can give it to you, but it'll be a little bent.", "trans_convo83": "Why do you think I would work like animals like you dingatoos?", "trans_convo84": "I for one would rather be pampered for keeping an eye on all of you!", "trans_convo85": "One of you misbehave, I simply tattle, and you all get in trouble!", "trans_convo86": "Now you know too much.", "trans_convo87": "See you never!", "trans_convo88": "Stop!", "player_final0": "The Leader's power is strong here.", "herdate_msg0": "Wow, you're fashionably late! Or am I late? Come sit!", "herdate_msg1": "You're a bit prettier and bluer than I expected, but that's fine, I guess.", "herdate_msg2": "I feel that this is going to be a long night...", "herdate_msg3": "Can we get two okra frittatas to go?", "herdate_msg4": "I'm deeply sorry, but I have to go and work. This is my treat.", "hisdate_msg0": "You look a lot more handsome and blue than I wanted.", "hisdate_msg1": "Can we have two spinach cakes to go?", "hisdate_msg2": "I'll pay for these, but I do not want to see you again. You remind me of a servant.", "bookshelf_msg0": "Sickening rows of bookshelves filled with the same books in the same order...", "schlop_msg0": "Schlippy", "schlop_msg1": "Schol", "schlop_msg2": "Shorry", "outschloop_msg0": "Schloopadoopie!", "outschloop_msg1": "Schlop!", "outschloop_msg2": "Schloopadoopah!", "outschloop_msg3": "Schlooparichie!", "drill_enemy0": "Debosse isn't going to like this...", "drill_enemy1": "De-boss?", "drill_enemy2": "You know, the guy who writes our checks?", "drill_enemy3": "Whatever, run away!", "drill_enemy4": "GO GO GO! Get the drill, and get those extra-jump flowers!", "dj_msg0": "Turn up the bass, DJ Bass!", "girl_scientist0": "I first have to deal with putting on this ridiculous outfit, then I deal with these guys who think they are better than me...", "manbreak_msg0": "I don't feel good...", "libraryworker_msg0": "I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you this, but I volunteer here because I have a crush on the librarian.", "libraryworker_msg1": "I was trying to get some books, but then I found this guy eating a wacky sandwich.", "libraryworker_msg2": "Now, I can't look away...", "prepare_ask0": "I'm prepared!", "prepare_ask1": "Yes!", "prepare_ask2": "You're right, I'm prepablue...", "npc_edward0": "Amen, my sisters! Let us continue to praise our Kangaroo and Spider!", "hitzin_msg0": "This is the property of Huey Hitzkhold and Billy Bob Sizily. Only executives are allowed here.", "tower_msg0": "Move away! Only important people may walk these floors!", "watchtower_msg0": "His face is no longer recognizable.", "libraryeater_msg0": "Oh, I thought I was the only one who would make it here!", "libraryeater_msg1": "I was given a sandwich by the librarian, but I don't know if it's vegan, chicken, snake, lab meat, or horse...", "player_darkanimal0": "A frog trying to get some shade in the darkness.", "player_darkanimal1": "Two grobbles. They are quite rare.", "player_darkanimal2": "A resting firefly.", "player_darkanimal3": "A sleeping icefly.", "player_darkanimal4": "A very cold fly.", "player_darkanimal5": "This is a chubber. It acts as a guide for those lost at heart.", "fan_msg0": "I'm your biggest fan!", "hup_msg0": "Hup.", "chestsign_msg0": "Choose one of the chests for your prize!", "gardnerhm_msg0": "This is where she keeps all the spinach cakes!", "gardnerhm_msg1": "This is the room for Ms. Gardner and her husband. He is a reporter traveling around the North.", "gardnerhm_msg2": "She usually has candles and incense here.", "shopkeep_msg0": "You are Nora and Zenith's kid, right?", "shopkeep_msg1": "I'm Nick. I hop around places so you may not remember me.", "shopkeep_msg2": "I am a very humble shopkeeper, but I can tell you a little something.", "shopkeep_msg3": "You can buy any hat you want from me!", "shopkeep_msg4": "As long as you have enough blocks, of course!", "shopkeep_msg5": "I was experimenting earlier yesterday in the kitchen to make a nice meal for my wife, and I created some food with bread, cheese, and tomato sauce!", "shopkeep_msg6": "It is a completely original concept, I assure you!", "shopkeep_msg7": "I can start selling this stuff alongside my hats to make some extra money to buy my family's freedom!", "shopkeep_msg8": "We have to look out for each other. Life is tough enough, but few are here just to make living harder for all of us...", "prepizza_msg0": "The Leaning Tower of Pizza! Named after the famous traveler, Tumuche Pizza!", "prepizza_msg1": "Your master must see it at least once!", "prepizza_msg2": "You must alert him immediately!", "menu_title0": "Choose Key", "menu_title1": "Paused", "menu_title2": "Delete This Adventure?", "menu_title3": "Bye, see you later!", "menu_title4": "You are free to exit!", "menu_title5": "Extras", "menu_title6": "Change Languages", "menu_title7": "Music Settings", "menu_title8": "Show Shoot Cursor", "menu_title9": "Show Death Info", "menu_title10": "Data Loss May Occur If Not Saved At A Plant!", "menu_title11": "Show Mobile Controls", "menu_title12": "Show Mouse Cursor", "menu_option0": "Jump", "menu_option1": "Down", "menu_option2": "Left", "menu_option3": "Right", "menu_option4": "Pause", "menu_option5": "Restart", "menu_option6": "Shoot", "menu_option7": "Save", "menu_option8": "Cancel", "menu_option9": "Music", "menu_option10": "Toggle Deaths", "menu_option11": "Toggle Aim Cursor", "menu_option12": "Delete Save", "menu_option13": "Languages", "menu_option14": "English", "menu_option15": "Go Back", "menu_option17": "Music Volume:", "menu_option18": "Sound Volume:", "menu_option20": "Controls", "menu_option21": "More Options", "menu_option22": "Quit", "menu_option23": "Customize", "menu_option24": "Toggle Mouse", "menu_option25": "Toggle Mobile" }, "ita": {}, "fre": {} }