

Step into the captivating world of Dalle, set in the remarkable era of OYOY. Life in this realm is tightly controlled by a formidable group known as the "Reds," with the South and the North being ruled by monarchies headed by the enigmatic "Leaders." These Leaders engage in trade, exchanging goods and services between the two regions with remarkable frequency. The North specializes in clothing, heavily reliant on the South's primary export: cotton.

Within this society, a class of servants known as the "Blues" carries out the arduous labor required for crop harvesting in the North. Unfortunately, the Blues endure constant mistreatment, leading to frequent conflicts and dire consequences for their well-being. To avoid direct confrontations, some Blues resort to subtle acts of revolt, sabotaging equipment or attempting to flee to the North, despite the prohibition on such labor there. The Reds employ a peculiar hybrid creature called the guard sheep, specially bred to swiftly track and recapture runaway servants, inflicting severe punishments upon them and their families.

In recent times, a new Leader has emerged following the mysterious disappearance of their predecessor. Coinciding with this event, a young child grapples with the tragic loss of their sibling at the hands of the insatiably greedy superiors. Fueled by grief, the child resolves to fight for the freedom of all, determined to spare others from similar anguish.

Embarking on an extraordinary journey through a world seemingly drained of most of its color, the child encounters a diverse ensemble of characters, each driven by their own aspirations and motivations. Some will prove invaluable allies, while others may present unexpected challenges. The path ahead is fraught with obstacles, for no conflict has ever been easily overcome.

Prepare to immerse yourself in this rich narrative, where the child's quest for freedom unfolds against a backdrop of desaturated hues. As the story unfurls, the child's encounters with a host of intriguing characters will shape their destiny. Brace yourself for an arduous but transformative battle, as the child champions the cause of liberation, determined to bring an end to the suffering and sorrow that plagues this strange world.



Can be customized later! Controls will remain the same on the setup screen

  • A or D to move left or right

  • W to jump or move up in menus

  • S to interact or move down in menus

  • Spacebar to shoot, accept, or skip scenes

  • P to pause or cancel

  • R to restart

  • Escape to exit and leave the exit menu

  • F4 (sometimes F11 or Alt/Option+Enter) to resize the screen


You can use all the control pad buttons or right stick too

  • Move stick left or right to move left or right

  • Move stick up or bottom button to jump or move up in menus

  • Move stick down or left button to interact or move down in menus

  • Triggers to shoot/accept or skip

  • Bumpers to skip scenes

  • Top button to pause or cancel

  • Select button to restart

  • Start button to toggle the exit menu

Image of the life pots

This is a regenerating life pot that gives 1 extra life

Image of the flower

This flower temporarily gives one extra jump

Image of the discount ticket

This ticket gives you discounts at all stores in this world

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